2015年12月24日 星期四

Mobile Computing courses in NCCU for 2015 2H

  In 2015 2H, AI team members in Taipei has a chance again to collaborate with Cheng-chi university on Mobile computing course. We contribute 50% of lecture time to introduce a series of courses with Bluemix.

- Oct. 2     Blumix intro (IBM)
- Oct. 16    Blumix IOT case study (IBM) - Simulator
- Oct. 30   Lab 1 on crowd sourcing(IBM) - “Mobile First Boilerplate Starter”
- Nov. 6    Lab 2 on crowd sourcing(IBM) - "Mobile App development"
- Nov. 13   Lab 3 on IOT - Arduino (IBM)
- Nov. 27  IOT Show Case
- Dec. 4     Lab 4 on Geospatial analytics service
- Dec. 11    Lab 5 on IOT - MQTT on mobile phone. ​

  In the courses, students are required to complete their project assignment with Bluemix, they bring many interesting ideas, such as Crowd Sourcing on mobile, IOT Plant care system etc. The team enjoy the "teaching" journey a lot, since we always inspired by the creation of young generation. We are looking forward the deeper collaboration with NCCU next year.

